Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What Your Favorite Mid-2000s Celebrity Fragrance Says About You

by Maria

Let's engage in a bit of short-term nostalgia and give the most recent past decade credit for being the uncontested golden age of celebrity fragrance. Did you own one? A few? Sniff a sample at the mall and beg your mom to buy it for you? Envy a friend whose mom obliged? Read on. 

Glow by JLo 
You retired this light floral scent for something like Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue in your late teens and Balenciaga Florabotanica as you entered young adulthood. You abandoned your midwestern roots for the city years ago and have gone to great lengths to hide them. Friends would describe you as effortlessly cool because you double-majored in trying really hard to appear as though you're not trying at all and finance. Your persona is calculated but your taste is impeccable.

Curious by Britney Spears 
Equal parts power-bitch and absent-minded intellectual, you subsist on Thai takeout but can make a nice black coffee. You studied abroad in Spain and spend your Saturday nights combing social media to destroy any evidence that suggests you ever wore a sequinned slip-dress in Ibiza. We can find you on LinkedIn.

Fantasy by Britney Spears 
You, however, had neon lime green bedroom walls as a preteen well into young-adulthood. Perhaps you still do. It matches the pink and green Republican elephant bumper sticker which complements your fluorescent Nike frees.

With Love by Hilary Duff 
As a self-proclaimed yoga-mom in training, you don't look miserable as you choke down green juice and splurge on a small glass of white wine every third saturday. You're a connoisseur of floral rompers and DIY tea-lights. You've just broken 1k Instagram followers. But god, you're so likable.

L L.A.M.B. by Gwen Stefani 
Your pop-punk phase at the end of the last decade slowly evolved into something more mature over the course of your years at a medium-sized Southern liberal arts university. You've traded your dramatic side-bangs for a sleeker violet-lips-leather-jacket brand of edge and have since graduated to TokyoMilk Femme Fatale.

Heiress by Paris Hilton 
You always seem to find yourself on the wrong side of fad history. You probably owned a Von Dutch trucker hat and I respect the hell out of you for it.

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